Army Family Housing Planning Guide
Military installations should provide sustainable, efficient, harmonious, secure, and visually compatible physical environments conducive to attracting and retaining skilled and motivated personnel. The impression an installation makes on the Soldiers, Civilians and Families who live and work there has an impact on quality of life as well as mission readiness. Housing is a critical component of installations.
This document is intended as a resource to anyone involved in the Army’s Family Housing inspections or the installation Master Planning processes. Family Housing inspections produce assessments of the condition of components of housing facilities and the overall condition of the housing units in terms of Installation Status Report – for Infrastructure (ISR-I) ratings based on ISR-I Booklet 30. These results serve as inputs into the Real Property Planning and Analysis System (RPLANS) data system to be considered in the Real Property Master Planning Process and also into DD1391/Programming Administration and Execution (DD1391/PAX) System. The identified renovation or replacement requirements can then be considered for inclusion in the annual budget submission for Army Family Housing.
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