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NGBS Green certified homes - creating spaces for those in need.

Michelle Foster
June 21, 2024

The Importance of Green and Sustainable Housing for LGBTQ Youth

Everyone deserves a home. A place where we feel safe, and loved, and protected. Many of us take it for granted that we have a place to call home.

In 2023, NGBS Green proudly certified the Ruth Ellis Center, an affordable housing and support center serving the LGBTQ+ community by providing a safe and healthy space for those who have been mistreated in the past.

The National Green Building Standard ICC-700 (NGBS) was developed to help builders and developers provide greener, healthier, and more sustainable homes in the most affordable, yet rigorous way possible. Since 2009 NGBS Green has certified over 530,000 homes. In 2020, the NGBS’s scope was expanded to include more of the places we call home, including student housing, assisted living facilities, group homes, transitional/supportive housing, hotels/motels, and many other housing types. This expansion opened the door for projects like the Ruth Ellis Center to be certified through NGBS Green. 

A Safe Haven for Vulnerable Youth

LGBTQ+ youth face unique challenges that can make their journey to adulthood particularly daunting. Discrimination, family rejection, and societal stigmas contribute to higher rates of homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth compared to their heterosexual peers. Providing safe, supportive housing is not just about giving them a roof over their heads—it's about offering a sanctuary where they can thrive.

The Ruth Ellis Center (REC) in Detroit is a vital organization dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ youth, particularly those facing homelessness or at risk. It offers a range of holistic services including housing, healthcare, mental health support, and educational opportunities, all tailored to the unique needs of LGBTQ+ youth. The center features a drop-in facility for immediate needs, comprehensive medical and behavioral health services, and various housing programs. Additionally, REC engages in advocacy and educational efforts to promote policies and reduce stigma, while fostering community and belonging. Named after activist Ruth Ellis, the center strives to create a safe and supportive environment for all LGBTQ+ youth.

Why LQBTQ+ Housing Matters

  • Mental and Emotional Well-Being: Safe housing provides stability, reducing the stress and anxiety associated with homelessness. It offers a secure environment where LGBTQ+ youth can focus on their education, mental health, and personal growth.
  • Community and Support: Housing programs tailored to LGBTQ+ youth foster a sense of community and belonging. These programs often include access to counseling, healthcare, and educational resources, crucial for their development.
  • Empowerment and Independence: Stable housing empowers LGBTQ+ youth to pursue their goals without the constant worry of where they’ll sleep next. It enables them to build life skills, gain employment, and move towards self-sufficiency.

The NGBS Green and Sustainable Approach

Incorporating green and sustainable practices into housing for LGBTQ+ youth is essential.

  • Environmental Responsibility: Sustainable housing reduces the carbon footprint and promotes environmental stewardship. By building energy-efficient designs and using sustainable materials, our buildings help contribute to a healthier planet.
  • Health Benefits: Green buildings often have better air quality and natural lighting, which can significantly improve residents’ physical health and well-being. This is particularly important for youth whose health might already be compromised due to previous hardships.
  • Economic Savings: Energy- and water-efficient buildings lower operational costs, making housing more affordable. These cost savings can be redirected towards other essential services for residents, such as education and healthcare.
  • Future-Proofing: Sustainable housing helps ensure that the needs of future generations can be met. It helps everyone, especially the LBGTQ+ residents, be able to envision a future where they can thrive.

Building a Brighter Future

Combining the principles of safe, supportive housing with green and sustainable practices creates a powerful framework for helping LGBTQ+ youth as well as other at-risk groups. It addresses their immediate need for security and community, while promoting long-term health and environmental consciousness.

By investing in projects such as the Ruth Ellis Center, we send a strong message that every individual deserves a safe place to call home and a healthy planet to thrive on. This dual focus on equity and environmental responsibility can help create a more inclusive, sustainable world for everyone.

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