
Home Innovation Staff Active in Code Discussions, Decisions on Seismic Issues.

Deanna Seale, P.E., Assistant Lab Director, Attends ASCE Seismic Subcommittee Meetings

Burlingame, CA

As a voting member of the Seismic Subcommittee of the ASCE/SEI 7 - Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures Standards Committee for the 2022 standards development cycle, Deanna Seale, P.E., Assistant Lab Director at Home Innovation Research Labs, is attending this week’s subcommittee meetings in Burlingame, Calif.

ASCE Standards provide technical guidelines for promoting safety, reliability, productivity, and efficiency in civil engineering. Many ASCE standards are referenced by model building codes and adopted by state and local jurisdictions, and provide guidance for design projects around the world. Membership of the ASCE 7 Seismic Subcommittee consists of a representative group of technical experts from the full range of stakeholders affected by the development and promulgation of seismic provisions, including producers, consumers, and general interest/regulatory representatives.

Accredited by ANSI, ASCE has a rigorous and formal process overseen by the Codes and Standards Committee). Standards are created or updated by a balanced, volunteer standards committee, followed by a public review period. All standards are updated or reaffirmed at least every 5 years. ASCE's standards program is regularly audited to ensure compliance with the ASCE Rules for Standards Committees and that it is consistent with ANSI requirements.

For more information on Home Innovation’s laboratory testing and certification services, or to find out how our experts can help guide your product through the myriad industry codes and standards, contact us.