Home Innovation Insights

Insider insights on what's going on in the home building industry.

December 21, 2023

The Ins and Outs of Grade I Insulation

Grade I insulation is a common term used widely by building professionals; however, how Grade I is defined varies considerably among building professionals. At its core, the term is meant to construe that the home’s insulation is installed properly and will be as effective as possible based on the properties of the material. Learn how to achieve proper Grade I insulation based on NGBS Green requirements. 

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Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Air Sealing Design, Building Products, Insulation

December 18, 2023

Office-to-Residential Conversions: Why So Complex?

As remote work continues to rise, vacant office buildings run the risk of going obsolete. The post-pandemic world has also seen a significant jump in housing prices leading to housing shortage. In this scenario, the question is clear: why not convert the empty office buildings into apartments? While this comes off as a perfect solution, there are multiple factors and several constraints to consider with such conversion projects.

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Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Building Codes

October 5, 2023

QAP Recap: Fall 2023

Home Innovation actively advocates for third-party certified, green, affordable housing by providing input for state Qualified Allocation Plan (QAPs). QAPs specify a state agency’s allocation of federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). Most QAPs include criteria for energy efficiency and green building, and nearly 30 states specify green building certification as a requirement or point-based incentive. When third-party green certification is included within a QAP, NGBS Green Certification is typically recognized alongside other credible national green building programs. NGBS Green certification is affordable to implement, making it ideally suited for affordable housing.

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Building Codes, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Marketing, Affordable Homes

September 29, 2023

Building Resilient Homes: The Ultimate Guides

As National Preparedness Month comes to a close, it’s time to look ahead to how we will build in the future. Resilience has become a top concern with natural disasters becoming increasingly common and increasingly destructive. Communities looking to rebuild are focused now on creating structures that will last. Uncover the most common damages for various weather events and find out the most cost-effective ways to prevent them. 

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Building Practices, Building Codes

September 29, 2023

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): Everything You Need to Know

All our readers are probably aware of the benefits of green power by this point. Switching to green power or renewable energy from fossil fuels is one of the best ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and is a much cleaner form of energy. But what if you don’t have your own wind/hydel turbines or solar panels? How do you ensure that the energy you are receiving from the grid is coming from a green or renewable source? A Renewable Energy Certificate or a ‘REC’ would be the best alternative.

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Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Solar Energy

September 28, 2023

Building Resilience: Construction Materials Testing to Prevent Wildfire Devastation

While we expect building codes to become more stringent in their requirements related to fire resilience, builders and homeowners are also becoming more focused on creating homes that will withstand natural disasters. When it comes to fire prevention and resilience, material selection is critical. Fire resistance testing is an essential process used to determine how well a material, structure, or product can withstand exposure to fire and maintain its structural integrity and safety. 

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Building Practices, Building Codes, Product Testing

September 7, 2023

Head “Back to School” with Green Building Training

The industry needs a legion of young professionals who are equipped with passion and expertise in green building, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and resilient construction techniques. As academics head back into the classroom, now is an ideal time to recommit to professional development. Students and industry professionals can earn the NGBS Green PRO designation, which validates expertise in green design, construction, and building certification.

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Building Practices, Green Building, Data and Trends

September 6, 2023

Comparing Land Development Certifications: NGBS Green vs. LEED ND

The  NGBS Green Land Development Certification is a robust and rigorous rating system that is comparable to that of LEED Neighborhood Development (LEED ND) with some key advantages. While the rating systems are not identical, there is a significant overlap between the two programs. 

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Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Air Sealing Design, Roofing

August 28, 2023

5 NGBS Practices to Beat the Summer Heat

The summer of 2023 has marked the hottest temperatures on record in human history. In order to stay cool, many households have their air conditioners running at full blast, resulting in high energy bills. Whether you are building a new home or retrofitting an existing one, the NGBS has several innovative practices that can be used to minimize heat gain.

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Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Air Sealing Design, Roofing

August 8, 2023

Sizing Up Comfort: The Art and Science of Proper HVAC Equipment Sizing

When it comes to achieving optimal comfort and energy efficiency in a home or apartment, proper sizing of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) equipment plays a pivotal role. Just like Goldilocks searching for the perfect bowl of porridge, getting the sizing just right can ensure that an HVAC system performs at its best, providing consistent comfort and saving you money in the long run.

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Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building

August 8, 2023

Residential Sector Trends from the New Building Products Demand Meter

For more than 25 years, Home Innovation’s Annual Builder Practices and Consumer Practices Reports have offered unparalleled insight into the ever-changing picture of demand for residential building products. Combining rich detail of Home Innovation’s Builder and Consumer Practices Data with John Burns Research and Consulting’s prowess in building products demand forecasting is a powerful combination of data tools to keep your business a step ahead of your competitors. 

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Building Practices, Data and Trends

August 4, 2023

Water Scarcity Flows into Policy Change

The changing climate is forcing policymakers and the development community throughout Arizona to rethink current patterns of development to ensure that water is available long-term. Building new homes in resource-scarce areas is challenging. Long-term thinking and mindful construction techniques offer an opportunity for residential builders to distinguish themselves as local leaders and best position themselves for continued success. 

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Building Codes, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Marketing, Affordable Homes

June 22, 2023

How Can NGBS Green Bolster Your ESG Efforts?

More and more, companies are expected to measure and disclose information related to their ESG—Environmental, Social, and Governance—impacts. ESG metrics can improve a company’s ability to access capital from funders committed to sustainable investing.

Green building certifications are essential to achieving ESG goals in the real estate industry. They ensure that buildings are built or renovated to rigorous standards. By pursuing green building certifications, developers and investors can have confidence that their buildings are performing exceptionally and meeting many of the environmental and social aspects of their corporate goals.

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Building Codes, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Marketing, Affordable Homes

June 22, 2023

Changes in the 2023 GRESB Real Estate Reference Guide and NGBS Green +NET ZERO

Each year, the GRESB Foundation makes changes to the annual Real Estate Reference Guide based on priority topics identified and input received from GRESB members. The GRESB portal opens on April 1st of each year, shortly after the annual reference guide is released. GRESB participants have until July 1st to submit their ESG data and their responses to the GRESB Reference Guide. Benchmark results and scores are available on October 1st.

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Building Codes, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Marketing, Affordable Homes

June 7, 2023

Quick QAP Recap: Summer 2023

Home Innovation actively advocates for third-party certified, green, affordable housing by providing input for state Qualified Allocation Plan (QAPs). QAPs specify a state agency’s allocation of federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). Most QAPs include criteria for energy efficiency and green building, and nearly 30 states specify green building certification as a requirement or point-based incentive. When third-party green certification is included within a QAP, NGBS Green Certification is typically recognized alongside other credible national green building programs. NGBS Green certification is affordable to implement, making it ideally suited for affordable housing.

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Building Codes, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Marketing, Affordable Homes

May 31, 2023

HUD Green and Resilient Retrofit Program: Making Affordable Housing More Sustainable

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has launched the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) to help make affordable housing more sustainable. The program provides funding for grants and loans to help owners of multifamily-assisted properties make energy efficiency, water efficiency, and climate resilience improvements to their buildings.

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Affordable Homes, Green Building, Energy Performance, Homebuyer Preferences, Building Codes

May 24, 2023

What Homebuyers Want in 2023

The housing market is constantly evolving, and what homebuyers want is no exception. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on sustainability and environmental impact, and this is reflected in the latest trends in homebuying.

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Green Building, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Marketing, Homebuyer Preferences, Building Codes

May 5, 2023

NGBS Green PRO Spotlight: Veronika Maynard-Simon

Veronika is the Multifamily & Commercial Team Coordinator at Southern Energy Management (SEM), a solar installation, green building and energy efficiency service company based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Veronika has a B.A in Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a M.S. in Climate Change & Society from North Carolina State University. Veronika has extensive experience in administrative support and office management. She has also worked at community-supported agriculture (CSA) farms, gardens, and nurseries. Outside of work, Veronika enjoys growing a variety of fresh produce in her hobby garden.

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Building Codes, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Marketing, Affordable Homes

April 4, 2023

NGBS Green PRO Spotlight: Nicolas Ream

Nicolas Ream is the Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing & Project Manager at Montana Heritage Home Builders (MHHB), a custom home building company in Columbia Falls, Montana. Nicolas earned his B.S. degrees in Marketing and Management & Entrepreneurship from the University of Montana. He also holds a M.S. degree in Real Estate and the Built Environment from the University of Denver, Daniels College of Business, Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management. Along with holding the NGBS Green PRO designation, Nicolas is a LEED Green Associate and a NAHB Master Certified Green Professional. He also holds the following other NAHB designations: Certified Green Professional; Certified New Home Sales Professional; Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist; Graduate Master Builder; Certified Graduate Builder; Certified Graduate Remodeler; and Certified Graduate Associate. In 2021, Nicolas was recognized by NAHB as the Green Professional Designee of the Year. In 2022, he was recognized by NAHB as Sales and Marketing Designee of the Year.

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Building Codes, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Marketing, Affordable Homes

March 9, 2023

Maryland & Chicago Say NGBS Green = 2021 IECC for Code Compliance

The 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) provides an alternative compliance option for energy efficiency programs deemed to be equivalent and NGBS Green is gaining as a rigorous and desirable alternative in local and state jurisdictions.

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Green Building, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Marketing, Homebuyer Preferences, Building Codes

February 17, 2023

NGBS Green PRO Spotlight: Kristyn Mott

Kristyn Mott is a Program Manager & sales team member at Southern Energy Management (SEM), a solar installation, green building and energy efficiency service company based in Raleigh, North Carolina. She joined the SEM team in 2020 after earning dual degrees in Business Administration and Global & Local Sustainability from Daemen University in Western New York. Along with being a NGBS Green PRO, Kristyn also holds two other professional accreditations, Fitwel Ambassador and LEED AP for Operations + Maintenance.

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Building Codes, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Green Building, Marketing, Affordable Homes

February 15, 2023

2022: NGBS Green Year in Review

Now that January is in the books, we’ve all gotten used to writing “2023,” and we are coming up on the middle of the first quarter, I wanted to take some time to reflect on 2022.

Despite lots of ongoing issues related to COVID and disruptions in the supply chain, our NGBS Green certification program had a strong year. While we certified fewer total units (homes + apartments), as shown in the chart below, we certified more buildings than the year before. Certified homes (represented in yellow) also grew year over year.

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Green Building, Building Practices, Energy Performance, Marketing, Homebuyer Preferences, Building Codes